TAMU Law professor and other experts discuss lawyering in the age of artificial intelligence

Written by Texas A&M School of Law | Feb 8, 2019 6:31:40 PM

Susan Fortney, Texas A&M University School of Law professor and director of the Program for the Advancement of Legal Ethics, is a panelist at the University of Oklahoma's Law Review, entitled Lawyering in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Fortney's panel is "Self-Policing: AI and the Regulation of Lawyers."

Fortney is a leading expert in legal ethics and malpractice, lawyer regulation, law firm ethics and culture, attorneys’ professional liability insurance and health care and bioethics mediation. 

Fortney is passionate about advocating for legal rights. “Clients entrust their lives, liberty and property to lawyers. As law professors, our students entrust their education and well-being to us. It is our responsibility as law professors to help our graduates recognize the special position lawyers hold and to internalize the ethos of professional accountability,”says Fortney. 

Other guest panelists include: