Professor Lisa Alexander presents tiny homes article

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Oct 8, 2018 7:08:21 AM

Texas A&M University School of Law Professor Lisa Alexander presented her draft lisa alexanderarticle, Tiny Homes: Bringing Home the Right to Housing, at the 7th Annual State and Local Government Law Works in Progress Conference at Fordham Law School in New York City. 

Alexander was invited to attend the conference.  Other panel guests included law professors from Yale Law School and the University of Connecticut School of Law. 

Alexander is a leading expert in housing and urban community development law, business law and social entrepreneurship law, local government and property law.

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Texas A&M School of Law is an American Bar Association-accredited institution located in downtown Fort Worth. In 2013, the law school acquired Texas Wesleyan University School of Law and has increased faculty and students exponentially in its five-year existence. The law school ranks highly nationwide in dispute resolution and intellectual property and offers 11 clinics that introduce students to real-world applications of the law. For more information, visit

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Texas A&M, established in 1876 as the first public university in Texas, is one of the nation’s largest universities with more than 66,000 students and more than 440,000 living alumni residing in over 150 countries around the world. A tier-one university, Texas A&M holds the rare triple land-, sea- and space-grant designation. Research conducted at Texas A&M represented annual expenditures of more than $905.4 million in fiscal year 2017. Texas A&M’s research creates new knowledge that provides basic, fundamental and applied contributions resulting, in many cases, in economic benefits to the state, nation and world.


Topics: Texas A&M University, Aggies, Texas A&M, Texas A&M University School of Law, School of Law, Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, Law Professor, Lisa T. Alexander

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