Professor Mormann Makes Case for Sharing Carbon Storage Risk

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on May 14, 2024 4:32:13 PM

Even the most optimistic projections for the rapid build-out of solar, wind, and other low-carbon resources acknowledge that coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels will dominate the world’s energy mix for decades to come. If the vast greenhouse gas emissions from burning these fossil fuels continue to enter the planet’s atmosphere, global warming will not be limited to sustainable levels. The capture and geologic sequestration of carbon emissions (CCS) offer a promising solution to the world’s carbon conundrum.  

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Topics: Felix Mormann, research

TAMU Law hosts second annual Enviroschmooze

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Nov 5, 2020 2:40:09 PM

By Annie Birdsong (2L) & Jessica Hart (3L)

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Topics: Felix Mormann, Timothy Mulvaney, Gabriel Eckstein, EENRS, texas a&m school of law

TAMU Law Professor Felix Mormann speaks at the PURPA celebration

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Dec 3, 2018 11:40:00 AM

Texas A&M University School of Law Professor Felix Mormann spoke at the celebration of Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) @ 40: Renewable Energy Law and Policy in the United States. The conference was hosted by the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law.

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Topics: Texas A&M University, Aggies, Texas A&M, Texas A&M University School of Law, School of Law, Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, Law Professor, Aggie, Felix Mormann

A&M Law Professor attends invitation only research roundtable

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Nov 5, 2018 1:19:07 PM

Texas A&M University School of Law Professor Felix Mormann was the commentator for the Third Annual Research Roundtable on Energy Regulation, Technology, and Transaction Costs: Cross-Cutting Perspectives held at Northwestern Law School early November.

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Topics: Texas A&M University, Aggies, Texas A&M, Texas A&M University School of Law, School of Law, Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, Law Professor, Aggie, Felix Mormann

Law professor talks Exxon's new carbon tax push

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Oct 19, 2018 10:30:00 AM

Texas A&M University School of Law Professor Felix Mormann discusses Exxon Mobil Corporation's move to give one million dollars to make climate change a priority with Knowledge@Wharton, a live broadcasting radio show on SiriusXM channel 132

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Topics: Texas A&M University, Aggies, Texas A&M, Texas A&M University School of Law, School of Law, Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, Law Professor, Aggie, Felix Mormann

Professor Felix Mormann moderates conference in College Station

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Sep 21, 2018 4:16:25 PM

Texas A&M School of Law Professor Felix Mormann moderates and serves as speaker at a plenary panel of the annual Texas A&M University Energy Conference in College Station. The conference's theme is Catalyst or roadblock? The impact of energy policy on technological innovation.

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Topics: Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University School of Law, Felix Mormann

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About Texas A&M School of Law

Texas A&M School of Law is an American Bar Association-accredited institution located in downtown Fort Worth. Since integrating with Texas A&M University in 2013, the law school has sustained a remarkable upward trajectory — dramatically increasing entering class credentials; improving U.S. News and World Report rankings; hiring more than 30 new faculty members; and adding more than 10 clinics and six global field study destinations. In the past several years the law school has greatly expanded its academic programs to serve the needs of non-lawyer professionals in a variety of complex and highly regulated industries such as cybersecurity, energy and natural resources, finance, and healthcare.

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About Texas A&M University

Texas A&M, established in 1876 as the first public university in Texas, is one of the nation’s largest universities with more than 66,000 students and more than 440,000 living alumni residing in over 150 countries around the world. A tier-one university, Texas A&M holds the rare triple land-, sea- and space-grant designation. Research conducted at Texas A&M represented annual expenditures of more than $905.4 million in fiscal year 2017. Texas A&M’s research creates new knowledge that provides basic, fundamental and applied contributions resulting, in many cases, in economic benefits to the state, nation and world.

About Research at Texas A&M University

As one of the world's leading research institutions, Texas A&M is at the forefront in making significant contributions to scholarship and discovery, including that of science and technology. Research conducted at Texas A&M represented annual expenditures of more than $905.4 million in fiscal year 2017. Texas A&M ranked in the top 20 of the National Science Foundation’s Higher Education Research and Development survey (2016), based on expenditures of more than $892.7 million in fiscal year 2016. Texas A&M’s research creates new knowledge that provides basic, fundamental and applied contributions resulting, in many cases, in economic benefits to the state, nation and world.

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