Professor Fortney Receives ABA Professional Responsibility Award

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Jun 4, 2024 11:47:00 AM

On May 30, Professor Susan Fortney received the Michael Franck Professional Responsibility Award at the American Bar Association’s 49th National Conference on Professional Responsibility held in Denver. The national award, named in honor of Michael Frank, late director of the State Bar of Michigan, recognizes legal professionals with an outstanding commitment to legal ethics and professionalism.

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Topics: Texas A&M University School of Law, Susan Fortney, faculty, aba

Professor Susan Saab Fortney is awarded a university honor

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Jun 16, 2020 2:31:44 PM

Texas A&M University’s Office of the Provost announced it will recognize four faculty members as holders of University Professorships. Texas A&M Law's Professor Susan Saab Fortney is included.

Created as a new distinction in 2019, University Professorships recognize faculty who have demonstrated significant and sustained accomplishments in their discipline, earning them national and international recognition. The award also highlights the recipients’ commitment to inclusivity, accountability, climate and equity in their departments, colleges and throughout their service at Texas A&M.

Recipients receive an annual stipend for three years, and as faculty members in good standing they retain the title of University Professorship throughout their careers at the university. Nominations for the distinction were submitted by department heads or deans, and the finalists were selected by a university committee and approved by the Provost.

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Topics: Texas A&M University, Susan Fortney, faculty and staff, Texas A&M Law

TAMU Law professor and other experts discuss lawyering in the age of artificial intelligence

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Feb 8, 2019 12:31:40 PM

Susan Fortney, Texas A&M University School of Law professor and director of the Program for the Advancement of Legal Ethics, is a panelist at the University of Oklahoma's Law Review, entitled Lawyering in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Fortney's panel is "Self-Policing: AI and the Regulation of Lawyers."

Fortney is a leading expert in legal ethics and malpractice, lawyer regulation, law firm ethics and culture, attorneys’ professional liability insurance and health care and bioethics mediation. 

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Topics: Texas A&M University, Aggies, Texas A&M, Texas A&M University School of Law, School of Law, Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, Law Professor, Aggie, Susan Fortney

35 Top 50 Journal Placements for Texas A&M School of Law Faculty Members

Posted by Texas A&M School of Law on Nov 30, 2018 10:56:48 AM

Texas A&M University School of Law has a diverse faculty that includes preeminent scholars, seasoned law and business professors and professional experts. Our professors are pioneering authors, speakers, and financial advisers. This past year, the law school had 35 top 50 law journal placements such as the NYU Law Review, California Law Review and Georgetown Law Journal.

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Topics: Texas A&M University, Texas A&M, Texas A&M University School of Law, Susan Fortney, Peter Yu, SAURABH VISHNUBHAKAT, glynn lunney, gary lucas jr, brian holland

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About Texas A&M School of Law

Texas A&M School of Law is an American Bar Association-accredited institution located in downtown Fort Worth. Since integrating with Texas A&M University in 2013, the law school has sustained a remarkable upward trajectory — dramatically increasing entering class credentials; improving U.S. News and World Report rankings; hiring more than 30 new faculty members; and adding more than 10 clinics and six global field study destinations. In the past several years the law school has greatly expanded its academic programs to serve the needs of non-lawyer professionals in a variety of complex and highly regulated industries such as cybersecurity, energy and natural resources, finance, and healthcare.

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About Texas A&M University

Texas A&M, established in 1876 as the first public university in Texas, is one of the nation’s largest universities with more than 66,000 students and more than 440,000 living alumni residing in over 150 countries around the world. A tier-one university, Texas A&M holds the rare triple land-, sea- and space-grant designation. Research conducted at Texas A&M represented annual expenditures of more than $905.4 million in fiscal year 2017. Texas A&M’s research creates new knowledge that provides basic, fundamental and applied contributions resulting, in many cases, in economic benefits to the state, nation and world.

About Research at Texas A&M University

As one of the world's leading research institutions, Texas A&M is at the forefront in making significant contributions to scholarship and discovery, including that of science and technology. Research conducted at Texas A&M represented annual expenditures of more than $905.4 million in fiscal year 2017. Texas A&M ranked in the top 20 of the National Science Foundation’s Higher Education Research and Development survey (2016), based on expenditures of more than $892.7 million in fiscal year 2016. Texas A&M’s research creates new knowledge that provides basic, fundamental and applied contributions resulting, in many cases, in economic benefits to the state, nation and world.

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